Watching a REALLY BAD episoide of One Life To Live. What in the World. It is really bad acting and to top it off the are doing a "musical" episoide. It is so bad it is good. Amusing yes! Yesterday was a really bad day. Our car was broken down and been sitting on the street near hour apartment not hurting anyone. The city police decided to have the car towed, so I had to pay to have it out of impound. Needless to say I was not happy. I also I have tons of stress at work, so needless to say it is been a ton of sleepless nights. So anyway a lot of stuff is on my mind. I am praying that things will get better. In other words back to OLTL, they are doing a VERY BAD Micheal Jackson song. Stop it... OK to ease the painof this episoide here some pics.