OMG, I just typed this all up and then bumped a button to go to a different page and LOST IT! I have to redo it, and I might cry... :( This is what I get for forgetting to reinstall the best Firefox add-on ever:
Why? Why are all the series I'm reading releasing new books at the same time?? This is worse than all the big video games coming
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Thanks for telling me how. Really, I'm so crappy at LJ, I've been here for a couple of months- not quite sure how long, but I don't have my own page or anything, and I think it's so confusing. But I'm getting better. Haha.
Ok, that's cool (: I don't really care if you can't Beta during, but I think that I might seriously get underway with my story (the idea's been nagging at the back of my mind for a while now, so I just need some incentive to write it, and then stick with it.) It'd be nice to be able to tlak to you about plot ideas, etc. because I tend to get easily stuck when I'm writing. However, it would be even better if you could help me Beta after NaNo :D
I was so excited last night -- I got an email from amazon saying that my book would probably come on Sept. 1 instead of the 11-22! I was literally happy dancing for like 5 minutes :D Excitement!
Haha don't worry, I don't think that for as long as I am still a member of TWA, I'll never really get to know how LJ works. Hate it. It's totally confusing, I think. And it's weird, because I use computers every single day. Oopsies.
Anyway, I can for sure listen to your ideas and tell you what I think. That's easy. And after NaNo, we'll see how it's going. :)
As an LJ test, I'm going to send you a PM with my e-mail address. ;) You can use that to send me anything you want help with, ideas you want to bounce, etc. (I much prefer e-mail over LJ PMs. Ugh. :P) Does that work for you? I mean, if you'd prefer to keep it to PMs on here or whatever, that's fine, too.
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