OMG, I just typed this all up and then bumped a button to go to a different page and LOST IT! I have to redo it, and I might cry... :( This is what I get for forgetting to reinstall the best Firefox add-on ever:
Why? Why are all the series I'm reading releasing new books at the same time?? This is worse than all the big video games coming
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BTW, the easiest way to send someone a PM is to hover over the the little icon next to their name in posts. It pops up a menu, where you can choose "send message." :) Other than that, you have to go into their profile page and do it there.
As far as beta-ing, here's the thing. I'm going to be doing NaNo, too, so that month is for sure off-limits for me as far as beta-ing. But, if you'd like someone to run ideas by for NaNo planning (or even during NaNo), I'd be more than happy to help with that. fter NaNo, I'd probably be able to help for real. Really, it depends on how fast you write. I like to work on my own stuff, too, so I prefer to beta either short things or slow-updating things. :) But I'm always willing to listen to plot ideas, etc., or look over an outline.
Alas, I'm still waiting for my copy of Mockingjay. I preordered it from Amazon, and it only shipped yesterday, despite coming out on Tuesday. Grrr... Hopefully it'll be here tomorrow! *fingers crossed*
I assume you're new to TWA, since you're not that familiar with LJ? If so, welcome! If you've been around a while, um... *dashes off to hide* :D
Thanks for telling me how. Really, I'm so crappy at LJ, I've been here for a couple of months- not quite sure how long, but I don't have my own page or anything, and I think it's so confusing. But I'm getting better. Haha.
Ok, that's cool (: I don't really care if you can't Beta during, but I think that I might seriously get underway with my story (the idea's been nagging at the back of my mind for a while now, so I just need some incentive to write it, and then stick with it.) It'd be nice to be able to tlak to you about plot ideas, etc. because I tend to get easily stuck when I'm writing. However, it would be even better if you could help me Beta after NaNo :D
I was so excited last night -- I got an email from amazon saying that my book would probably come on Sept. 1 instead of the 11-22! I was literally happy dancing for like 5 minutes :D Excitement!
Haha don't worry, I don't think that for as long as I am still a member of TWA, I'll never really get to know how LJ works. Hate it. It's totally confusing, I think. And it's weird, because I use computers every single day. Oopsies.
Anyway, I can for sure listen to your ideas and tell you what I think. That's easy. And after NaNo, we'll see how it's going. :)
As an LJ test, I'm going to send you a PM with my e-mail address. ;) You can use that to send me anything you want help with, ideas you want to bounce, etc. (I much prefer e-mail over LJ PMs. Ugh. :P) Does that work for you? I mean, if you'd prefer to keep it to PMs on here or whatever, that's fine, too.
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