Apr 27, 2007 09:31
I am so glad I stayed up all night so I could register for this class.
How awesome was it that I was thinking about it at almost exactly 8am.
It was like 8:04 AM.
And I am the only one who is up at western that wants this class apparently.
Conversational Sign Language I will know in 8 weeks time.
It is going to be a challenge, just like getting back into math.
I am so happy I am going home this weekend for Meme (my grandma for those of you who don't know me all too well, the equivalent to heat's yaya, even though if in a fucked up world senior citizens fought each other my grandma would tear her apart literally like it wouldn’t be fair.) anyways enough of that parenthepants bullshit. What I'm trying to say is that my grandma Meme, is the strongest (mentally and physically) and kindest, and most giving, and best cooking grandma that you could ever ask for. basically she is the only one of my grandparents that is still alive, and I am sooooo happy and gratefu to have her in my life still, because it really was just like yesterday when I lost Papa, and not only him but all of our good friends and mentors that have come to pass. I won't even start naming them because I would start on a whole other trip and I don't want any negative emotions to come out. because In the end they would want us to be happy and celebrate their lives, no matter how fucked up it was that they passed on. I don't like to say the word died anymore because I don't think anyone really dies-------
sorry I had to start downloading "White and Nerdy" by weird al because it's funny and a good parody and everyone else needs to be awake like me because school is done for everyone except my final thats due on may 5th, its a take home final and i have to stop procrastinating on it, thats a big charactor defect of mine and I should work on it... but some of my good friends that I consider damn near as close as my family(wow i almost said homies had to at least note that) have agreed with me before I even said it. They said that my destiny and my life is with music. It's my passion they tell me before I really even talk about it a lot. Amogh tonight told me that when we listen to music together how he sees me how I absorb the music and take everything in and how I can pick out good parts of bass or drums or vocal or whatever. I know that a lot of people are like this, but if there was anything that was even remotely close to being considered a superpower, having that special connection with the music and the unknown is just awesome.
I don't know how I got off track talking about my Meme but, I really do hope and pray to whoever created us and put us here (if there is a way of communication which i think there is which is prayer or really saying anything at all because i think in some uncomprehensable way to us it can hear and know what every single animal or human or plant or piece of wind. From even a strand of hair to a star exploding or imploding into a black hole (which is something i think of from time to time, but often a lot.) I ask Dan about it because it would be most logical, he has taken a lot of physics even since high school, and still takes college classes for not only that but crazy ass math and enginerring shit that I could never even hope to understand. and he will be using that shit in his everyday life. I always asked why and said I would never use it, because I knew I wouldnt. Because I love PERFORMING and MUSIC. those two words.
I am considering getting the word "Outlandish" on my body somewhere in a tatt. have no idea what font or look or anything but that is the word. because "Passion" has been used too much hahahaha.
thats the first time i put haha in the entry i usually put lol or something after everything i saay i think.
jesus it is way too early but i can't stop pouring out my thoughts.
i DON'T know if i mentioned it earlier or not but I was listening to david bowie's rebel rebel that is on guitar hero 2 but not famous from it, famous on its own cuz it fuckin rocks and rolls and has the bass humping your face, even though it really doesn't it's got the guitar doing something amazing that really is a rare glimpse.
Despite the fact that it can make your confidence bigger--
(had to pause to take my shoes off and put some chili pepps on) "hard to concentrate by the way in case whoever ever actually reads this far cares. )
I think you know you are a good musician when you are what you could say is a comfortable knowledge, but just knowing that you have that passion and drive and knowing that you have to just constantly challenge yourself and work on things and evolve as a human and as a soul.
Bear with me people im going to save this in case some freak accident happens and I lose all of this because I will put this in my book someday.
If only I could write like this in college ay?! hah.
If only.
If only the college system or any system in general didnt have the fucking .... fuck whats it called... rubric, the fucking rule that you have to do your work "like this" or "like that" or "has to follow this format exactly or your not doing it right and blah blah blah"
I don't know about anyone else that goes to school feels the same way that I do, but I hope someone in the world (that has had at least one semester in college and ended up somewhere great) understands where I'm coming from when I say that I do not like or do I try to follow what the general (college professor blue blood or not like) population perceives to be by the book or the format.
I say fuck the format and I will say that until the day I die if and when I am an old man.
People like Eminem were and still today receive the fucking same bullshit criticism that Elvis Presley got when our parents, people from our parents generation loved and respected and damn sure idolized Elvis but just because he sang what was at the time a prodominantly black style of gospel turned rock and roll sound and shook his hips all of a sudden the fucking parents go bonkers.
But things like that are good, the world needs to be shaked up in a good way after all the bullshit downtrodden evil negative news we are fed with every morning.
like no wonder i dont watch the headline news all too often because its always, shooting this, disaster this, rape this, murder that, unhappy ending this.
there are always the little blurbs about the heros and the good shit, but just that, then it's pushed to the side.
It sucks that human nature is to be attracted to other peoples misfortune to talk about. I mean some people should just be other peoples business.
God I miss my awesome girl bailey. she's more then a girlfriend to me, she is just an awesome person to have on your side. she is so motivating to me that my jams and guitar riffing have been better just from having her presence around, even if it's on the phone.
It's so comforting to have her there I love it. I was not even expecting to develop a relationship with anyone for a while, much less this awesomely beautiful flower that started working with me.
god please dont let me fuck up this one, because i know she wouldn't do anything to make me think different if she felt a different way because she was up front with me basically from the beginning and that just makes me trust her so much that she could confide in me all of the things she's told me. things that should'nt be told to maybe more then 2 or 3 maybe just 1 person she confided in me. and I pledged and swore to her that no matter what fucked up shit may happen in the future between us(god forbid) that I would always protect her. She doesnt need to be protected in the everyday sense because i think she has a great head on her shoulders and she is just sorting out her goals and dreams as we all do. shes mentioned joining the peace corp. and just having her say that just so candidly when I asked her what she wanted to do. I had to control my jaw from dropping. she is so open minded, not completely which is good because she shouldn't be THAT open minded yet, but she is caring for everyone and everything that breathes that does good deed for others. she bought me a hat that I wear every day because I am not a hat guy by any means, it is a rare circumstance when a hat looks good on me. Ryan says I look good in his or nick's baller streight rimmed sparklefied detroit hat. but I just look like a self pretencious fag (not meaning any offense to our gay friends because I'm friends with some gays.) that just dont fit me right.
Sudden stop...why the fuck am I typing a whole paragraph about hats.
that exercize that was in most peoples (pee break for 2 minutes.. fake listen to the chili peppers.)
that was a good piss, now i am still typing in amogh and andy's wonderful apartment which is right next door to mine. I am sitting on the couch now though instead of sitting indian style on the hard yet somewhat comfy carpet (which after sitting indian style and typing for damn close to or over an hour would fucking be anti-comfy)
oh yeah but what I was saying before the break was how that exercize that was in most peoples english classes where you just write a sentance or two about a subject that might of been on the board or was given to you randomly, is an amazing thing. I remember I could always just keep going. Theres always a thought that occurs immediately after one you are thinking, weather it is conscience or in your subconscience (like your brain telling an arm or pinky toe to move) It just keeps going, the mind. So interesting and complex and fucking crazy in general.
I’m going to move on at risk of sounding like a raving lunatic (which I’m sure I’m way past that point)
That stupid last couple of sentences actually sounds like a good place to stop for now at least.
I am completely unsure and cannot predict when I will have another such outpour of thoughts from my dome. Brb I need water before I wrap this what has turned out to be a novel of a memoir.
Hearing Anthony Keidis and John Frusciante sing the words: “strip my mind” makes me feel good to be ending this here for now.
But my experiences are still happening and so there is always always always something new to talk about.
I feel good that I didn’t forget to log in and register for my sign language course.
My mom will be happy with me for that one, now I just have to make sure I do my transfer shit and get that in before I go to work in mere hours it seems like.
Too bad my work literally doesn’t have a sick day policy,.
Basically at chuck e cheese here, (not sure if its as Nazi like at the other ones) if you are fucking puking and or shitting with the flu, if you can’t find someone that can do your job(as defined by chuck e cheese of course which means say if you work in the show room but you haven’t been trained to do parties you can’t cover for that person that is which is me. And there is literally noone to cover for you because everyone that has been hired is working. So in the end you have to drag yourself there, only to fucking expose not only your fellow employees to your nasty bacteria orbed sickness, but all the little kids who come there that don’t have as well developed immune systems get sick and in turn get other kids sick which gets employees sick. It’s a stupid system, I don’t agree with it, and I never will get why it happens.
But yes alas it is time to get some much needed for tomorrow’s work sleep.
I did my deed by getting the class registered (which was the one and only seat avalible because someone either dropped it which prolly didn’t happen so someone just forgot to pay the tuition for the credit or is going to do it today or something. It sounds like something that would happen to me up here, so I feel kinda bad for whoever lost his spot in the class, but there are always people who drop like after the first class so if he really needed the credit he could get it.
But yeah im just gonna stop and post this on the internet for all the millions.
Love and cosmic funk warts from the heavens, and as always good ol’ H20 water,