sometimes, people are so not worth it all

Nov 22, 2010 22:50

I like to think people have the right to write shit. Yes, they do.

That's why I don't go bashing on fics that I didn't like the slightest bit. I know they were trying their best (or not, but they were putting some effort anyway, or it wouldn't have been done) and that it's gross to make little of their work like that.

If I had any concrit for them, I'd say it, but mostly I think I don't have the right to tell anyone how they should write (or make graphics, scrapbooks or any sort of thing) unless they publically ask for it. If you do, though, there's no problem because, after all, we who write exposed ourselves for our free will and therefore should take negative comments as well as the positive ones.

And take it like a man, for that matter.
But I'd like you to keep it in mind that concrit stands for constructive criticism for a reason. Don't be a dick, telling people they are the worst ever at what they do or something, it freaking hurts - wouldn't take a genius to figure that out. (And wherever have I seen it before? Hmmm.) The problem with Internet is that people think just because they don't show their faces they have the right to be fucking impolite assholes to anyone who's there to take their shit.

Well, guess what, you don't. Let's learn how to get along without crushing anyone's feelings, it shouldn't be that hard.

about: writing, fandom-related, real life: fury, real life: rambling

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