not giving a shit about fans, that's real classy.

Feb 23, 2011 11:47

"There will be two new members of U-KISS who will reinforce the group’s comeback next month, and they are currently working hard with the other members. We will be revealing the new members to the fans soon."

as seen in Rocketboxx

Thank you for being a complete ass just like any other idol company, NHM. Kicking Kibum out and not even thinking it up when Alexander proposed to step away too wasn't enough, was it? Rub it in our faces you don't give a damn if we loved them, if they were united and close to each other, that you're pretty much laughing at our teenager girl broken hearts. Just say to our faces how much of bastards you all really are, NHM, no one is judging anymore. Stupid me for thinking this company could be any different, really.

I know I sound like a jerk, but seriously not looking forward to hearing about these guys. They may be nice and I might even like them in the future, but to me they'll always scream "Kibum and Xander's back up". IDFC if it's immature, it's simply my view on things.

Not to mention everyone will compare "old U-Kiss" with "new U-Kiss". Let's just hope the new one turns out to sell more, so at least it will have been worth it. (Not to us, fans no one needs to care about, but for the CEO, right? That's what matters in the end.)

I feel like so much of an idiot for having known and loved U-Kiss this far - an entire year.

It was a whole year with them, it's amazing how the accurate the timing is, and it was when I finally could indetify myself as a fiction writer, independently of the quality an outsider judges my writing contains. I owe all my slow improvement to them, who have always inspired me so much. They made me have fun coming out with plots, be it for weird, clumsy, cutesy or slutty fics. And, while writing them, I learned how not to care if someone comes and says I suck - all that mattered was that I was having a good time, right?

Also, I could finally get a break from my other fandom, Eito. Did they ever overcome Eito in my heart? No. What I feel as an Eighter can't ever come any close to all my other fandom experiences - it's too great, too deep, too eternal. But U-Kiss was the only thing that caught my attention, and for anyone to understand how big of a thing that is, they should have known how in love I have been with Eito for the last three and a half years. U-Kiss, in my opinion, was big enough to stand out, to captivate me in a way I didn't believe a group could. In fact, they were so amazing they were enough bias for my in K-pop, and I never took great interest in anything else in the scene.

So, now, I feel like an idiot for ever giving them the space. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to throw them aside and just keep on with my life - because all the importance writing had acquired to me and all the relief from not being too hung up on Eito now seem nothing in face of this horrible sensation.

Seeing the idols you love dearly be throwng aside as mere things just so they can be replaced by brand new equipment is seriously the worst I've experienced as a fan. I wish this whole year and all my fandom achievements could just be erased because, as childish and self-centered it sounds, it hurts. It hurts like a bitch experiencing all of this, and it hurts understanding why it's happening all to well. NH didn't even have the courtesy to try to pretty things up - they made it clear they're not bothered by our sorrow.

I love the other five members, but I seriously cannot pretend everything's fine with their two former bandmates being substituted like that. And for that, a part of my doesn't wish you luck. A part of me hopes this new phase fails. It's ridiculous, I know, but it would be hypocrit of me to say I don't feel that way.

However, I know how seriously you have fought to get where you are, so I won't be a crappy fan and won't leave you just because a part of the dream has been put on hold. I wish the five of you succeed and reach the top, because I know that's where you belong, or else I wouldn't even have supported you.

It would be easier if I could erase this year from my memory - but it's better that I can't. So I'll remember how much you've made me laugh and spazz and facapalm for each hairtrocity, so I'll remember how much I love you.

The seven of you will forever be my top Korean stars, and it sucks a lot to realize that.

real life: ):, alexander and kibum are too hot for this, u-kiss, fandom-related, real life: fury, real life: rambling

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