how are opiates be dected in a drug test, how long will they stay in the system?
Drug tests are broken into two diffrent catigorys urine testing or urinalysis and hair tests. labs dont actully look for the drug inside of the urine they look for metabolites. As a drug goes through the body it changes as it comes out. Opiates are tested for in all standerd drug tests. Opiates include The following: Opium, Herion, Morphine, and Codine.
urine screening is one of the most popular ways of finding the use of most drugs. After the urine is collected. tthey are subjected to a chemical involving a color changeing dipstick. Althought drugs can be dected in saliva and sweat, the time that it is able to be detected in bolth is much less then with urine. Most sources say that the maxium dection to opium is 24 - 48 hours, meperidine is 4-24 hours, heroin is about 1 - 4 days, but morphine is 84 hours at least to show a positive. Heroin takes the longest because heroin breaks down into morphine and then into codeine while its in your blood stream/urineary tract. Heroin will only produce a positive result for a day after single use (longer for a crohinc user).
Another Popular test is a hair test. A small amount of hair is cliped from a person's head and sent to be tested. Not alot of hair is needed, all one would need is a sample about the size of a shoe lace tip. It is usually not cosmetically seen. the melanin is seprated from the hair before the test so the color of you hair dosnt matter. The test, if done correctly rules out the the possibility of a positive result throught any external sources. Like being around pot at a rock concert or rideing in a car with someone who is smokeing.Head hair is not the only thing that this test will work on, It will work with any body hair, or with a combination of eather head or body hair. Drugs that are taken, go throught a persons bloodstreem witch in turen helps a deveoping hair follicle. A small amount of the drug that was taken can be found inside the hair shaft in amonuts that are about the same as the amount that was taken. The drug history of any person can be obtaned from their hair folicales. Most drugs can be found for many months, and even years, depending on the length of the hair. The only draw back is that it takes about 5 days after the drug use to show up in a persons hair. Some other drugs that show up on these tests include: Marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, and PCP.
the following can cause false positives on a drug test to show that you are useing opiates: Poppy Seeds, Tylenol with codeine ,Most prescription pain medications ,Cough suppressants,with Dextromethorphan (DXM) ,Nyquil ,Kidney Infection, Kidney Disease ,Diabetes,and Liver Disease.