i hold your hand in mine when im asleep.

Aug 09, 2006 21:13

so i think we have found an apt! and only a street away from ours now, but 5 million times nicer. ill find out in a few days. work was the absalute worst today. i take things too personal sometimes. now im at my parents house. a day playing with my doggies is always great. i feel like i never go out anymore, but its kinda nice. ive been going to bed by 10 and i know im lame, but when i wake up in the morning for work i dont wanna die and its kinda nice. i feel like im losing friends almost by not being able to go out as much. or i guess i should say you know who will be there forever when they invite you to come with them even if they know you probably cant. i just find it kind of pointless lately to go out and waste a ton of money on nothing and wanna die the next day from being so tired and feeling shitty. i think im just in the mind set of a 80 year old lady. oh well. time to watch a movie and sleep soon. (it is almost 10)

26 days. :)
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