What Is This Feeling?

Aug 05, 2008 22:23

What is this feeling, so sudden and new? I felt it the moment I laid eyes on you. My pulse is rushing, my head is reeling, my face is flushing. What is this feeling? Fervent as a flame, does it have a name? Yes.


Unadalterated loathing.

For your face. Your voice. Your clothing.

Let's just say: I loathe it all. Every little trait however small, makes my very flesh begin to crawl. Simple utter loathing, theres a strange exhiliration, in such total detestation. So pure, so strong. Though I do admit it came on fast, still I do beleive it can last. And I will be loathing you - my whole life long.

Sometimes people should really just shut up.

When most people used to ask me, 'who's picked a fight with you lately?' or, 'who have you gotten into a big fight with recently?' I casually respond with : I don't remember. Often people who are stupid enough or actually have the guts to argue with me or start something with me are usually dull, boring, and forgettable people. Therefore they don't stick out in my mind.

Mostly they're idiotic and don't really have anything intelligent to say (no offense, but the truth hurts). And I never seemed to really care about any of that.

Until now.

It's this strange curiosity that's washed over me. Why do stupid people pick fights with me? Why do bland beings tend to aggravate me and cause me to scream in their face or hurt their feelings beyong all return? It's odd.

Oh did I mention, school starts in less than three weeks?

I'm getting deja vu writing this, mind rushing back to one of the first posts I wrote on here rambling about how school was beginning soon and how I was dreading it and all that crap.

Well, I'm going to be a freshman this year so you can only imagine my excitement. My little heart thumping and jumping for fucking joy. (Taste the sarcasm dripping off that?) My mom says it's going to be a social shock for me, since I'm used to being on top, in charge and telling people to piss off. But, she says, it's not going to be that way anymore, because I'm the little freshman wandering around the halls wondering where the fuck my next class is.

But I know that won't happen. Because, 1. I don't wander, 2. I don't show emotion - therefore I'll look so unbeleivably calm about being lost that it will make people sick.

So I don't know what the hell she's talking about, because I'll walk into that looming building, and I'll own those halls. I will flounce and pounce and people will wonder, only having enough courage to whisper to the person next to them about me. Because not many have the guts to talk to me, and most of them are stupid, dull, boring, and forgettable. And usually they don't have anything intelligent to say - they are nothing but idiots. That's that. They fucking start shit with me, annoy me, and drag me to another level of hell.

That's that. Whatever.
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