paradiselostrp app

May 11, 2010 18:06


Name/Alias: Jillian

Age: 24

Have you ever role-played in a community before: yes - capeandcowl, taxonomites, a_facility

Screen Name: AIM - inarkhamego


Name: Josh Frohmeyer ("Scud")

Age: 26

Fandom: Blade II

User Icon:


Physical Description of Character: Scud is a messy individual with overgrown brown hair. He is slightly in need of a shave. Typically, he wears a t-shirt (often a black one with "BPRD" on it, signifying his comic book nerdness) and jeans beneath coveralls to protect his precious clothing from the oil and grease he works with as a mechanic/techie. Though he does maintain a decent level of hygiene, he frequently smells of sugar and pot. At about 5'10", he's of a stocky, soft build — not a warrior by any means, but the body of someone who spends a lot of time stationary, working on cars and various projects. His eyes are blue, if you can look past the scruffiness he projects.

Beneath his t-shirt, his stomach is scarred extensively from when two vampires nearly ripped him to pieces. Because of that, he wears a cross. The inside of his lower lip bears the characteristic tattoo of a vampire servant.

Point in Canon: After his death in Blade II.

Personality: There are two sides to Scud, though the dichotomy is rarely obvious to people who don't know him, or even to people who do. One, the obvious side, is the laidback, lackadaisical stoner who reads comic books, watches anime and the Powerpuff Girls, and eats doughnuts by the boxful. He seems useless and harmless, though it is fairly easy to see he is also brilliant at what he does, a master of modifying cars and inventing weapons. The other side, obvious to few but Blade, is that same brilliance combined with resentment and malice. Scud is driven to prove himself to others, even as he acts differently, and even as he resents the fact that he wants to be seen as useful. He can be calculating and careful, a cynic and a realist; it's how he arrived at the decision to betray Blade and work for the vampires instead. You could say that Scud is a coward — he's never keen to fight, though he's proficient with guns, and he would rather be on the "winning side". He does not prescribe to the proverb, "It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees." His life experiences have taught him to be a survivor at all costs. Because of that, he is actually a very hard worker, someone who keeps relentlessly at a problem until it's fixed. He can spend hours working on a project without eating or sleeping or getting high. When he does something, he does it right the first time, making sure his work is high quality.

In his day-to-day persona, Scud is an affable, social type, extroverted and well-adjusted despite a turbulent childhood and adolescence. He does have a complex inner life, and is much more thoughtful and philosophical than he usually shows. You could even say he is basically a good person — if he wasn't willing to betray humanity to the vampires, anyway. He himself does not rape, torture, or murder, though he doesn't have any compunctions against stealing. If commanded to, however, or in a life or death situation, he might murder. If he were sufficiently enraged, he might torture. Ordinarily, however, he doesn't have the stomach for it, and prefers to leave that sort of thing up to other people. These moral limitations do not extend to vampires. If necessary, such as when he was undercover, he will kill vampires without a second thought, as it's a matter of survival. He's not a sociopath or a psychopath, but rather a fairly normal (if secretly angry) person with healthy fears in an extraordinary situation, who made an asshole choice.

Due to his upbringing, Scud has a problem with male alpha figures, which manifests in his desire to both please them and destroy them. His father was physically and verbally abusive, when he was around, but he could also be decent and even loving on rare occasion. These mixed messages instilled a sense of longing and resentment in the young Josh, who chose the name Scud as part of his rebellion.

History of the Character: Scud is a minor character in the Blade mythos, so much of what's below is content I created to explain his personality and motivations.

As mentioned, Scud's troubled childhood was a result of his father's unstable and capricious personality. Sometimes there was nothing he could do right in his father's eyes; other times, his father would teach him to fix cars, or take him hunting in the foothills of Kentucky, where he grew up. Finally at around age 13, his father left and never came back. Though he had a relatively healthy relationship with his mother, he always disliked the boyfriends she'd bring home, as they were more or less carbon copies of his father. He was on his own for the most part, growing up, with no siblings and his mother working two jobs. This means he got into a lot of trouble, especially once he got his license. He drank and smoked fairly early (around 14), and got into weed when he was 16. He's done other drugs, too, but he stays away from anything you need to snort or inject; mushrooms, acid, and other hallucinogens are about as far as he's gone.

Barely managing to graduate from high school (not because he wasn't smart, but out of lack of interest and lack of motivation, THANKS POT), Scud attended a community college where he put his mechanical skills to good use and learned all sorts of useful things. He'd already been improving and inventing things as a teenager, but now his skill level rose exponentially. He was nearly thrown out of the college for creating all sorts of highly dangerous things, but he talked his way out of it and graduated anyway. After college, he made his living by working at garages, modifying cars for street racers and wannabe ricers. On the side, he continued to tinker with all sorts of projects, occasionally selling them for quick money. He drifted from city to city for a few years, eventually running into two female vampires who nearly killed him. Blade saved him, and in gratitude, Scud began working for him, making his car faster and creating special weapons to fight vampires.

At some point (it's never stated exactly when), however, Scud became disillusioned with the fight and decided to betray Blade to the vampires. He joined their side as a servant, as is shown by the tattoo on the inside of his lower lip. His skills as well as his proximity to Blade made him a valuable servant, like all the other servants they possess. Though he continued to work with Blade, going as far as to kill a vampire at one point, in the end he revealed that he had deliberately sabotaged the bomb created to keep a vampire in line so it wouldn't explode. Blade then revealed he knew about that, and had altered the bomb back to its original state. Scud then was blown up by the bomb.

Other RP experience (if applicable): n/a

Magical Powers/Skills:
  • mechanical aptitude - Scud can take apart an engine and put it back together, improved. He could build a car if he had the right tools and the right parts.
  • technological aptitude - he is capable of designing, installing, and maintaining a security system meant to keep vampires out. This means he is proficient with electric systems.
  • weaponry - he creates and modifies weapons, such as a stake gun and UV bombs. Familiar with all kinds of guns.
  • demolitions - he knows how to make things explode.
  • cooking - given the proper ingredients, he can make killer brownies (yes, those kinds of brownies), but he's also good for simple homestyle cooking. It's just chemistry, after all.
  • basic home maintainance - he knows how to fix most of the things that can go wrong in your house.
  • computers - he's not the best hacker, but he knows the basics and how to get around most system's security. He's familiar with most commonly used programming languages.
  • shooting - he's a good shot and knows how to use many different kinds of guns, including sniper rifles and rocket launchers.
  • lock-picking - thanks to his rebellious adolescence, he knows how to pick locks, if he has the right tools.
  • a modified SIG P239 (revolver) with both regular and UV bullets
  • a wrench

Personal LJ Sample: You know, I'm pretty sure I landed in some kinda outer circle of Hell, cause I'm lookin' around and I can already tell there's no internet. No TV. Not even a fucking radio, I bet. And nothing to play on it even if there was one. Just these here things. And forget cars. This is some real second world shit. If I want it, I'm gonna have to build it, I'm thinkin'.

... that's surprisingly okay with me. Man, I thought my ticket was punched. But I'm alive. I even feel pretty good, considering they stuck me fulla needles. And you know what? You gotta tell me. Please, for the love of god. No vampires, right?

Third-Person Sample: It was raining, of course. It wouldn't be properly dramatic without the constant downpour, the looming overcast skies huddling over their heads like an ancient painted dome. Scud glanced over his shoulder casually before continuing on his way, ignoring the torrents of rain weighing his hair and clothing down. He wasn't being followed. Who would want to, in weather like this? All the same, he took the long way, wandering up and down alleys and through abandoned warehouses before reaching his destination. At the door, he knocked, waiting until it slid open silently to enter. He exchanged nods with the doorman before continuing on.

Down the spiral stairs he went, dripping but each step squeaky sure on the metal grate. The muted thump of some errant bass line met the screech of a guitar; he ignored that too, moving through the smoky crowd with the ease of experience. At the bar, he checked his cigarettes. They'd remained dry despite the deluge, so he lit up, turning his back against the counter and raking his gaze over herd of people crowding the dance floor.

"Hey, kid. You looked drowned." Melissa slid him a guinness, his usual, and he craned his head to look at the bartender without turning all the way.

"I am. I'm drowning." He said, deadpan, around his cigarette. "I'm drowning and no one can save me."

She waited, but there was no more forthcoming. Scud took a deep drink of his beer instead. Melissa's laugh was more bemused than amused, so he patted the hand that was on the bar and smiled broadly, ignoring how it made his lower lip sting. He could taste blood. It was all he could taste.

"Ain't we all," he said genially. "Ain't we all."
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