
Jun 22, 2004 23:00

im happy again. woohoo! life is sooo good. it started the other day when i called alicia. she was so happy 2 hear from me. i was happy 2 find out her and her bf were over and she seemed happy 2 find kt and kelli were gone. neway i planned 2 see her 2day since i was in citrus 4 my ortho appt. i started the day goin 2 my old house 2 show the new owner how 2 work the pool. took bout a half hr. then i went 2 alicias. i saw her and BAM everything i ever felt for her came back, i gave her the biggest hug. it seriously lasted like 5 mins. then we went in and we played w/ her little bro. we watched tarzan and jane lol. while he was not in the room, we kissed 4 the 1st time in months. it was like DAMN! shes a great kisser. we kissed every opportunity we had. we went 2 play pool and kissed alot in there 2 lol. she killed me in pool tho lol. we had 2 have kissed like 100 times at least lol. they werent pecks either, they were like.. i cant explain them. they were perfect. *la la land* hehe. im all giddy lol. neway, i had 2 leave 4 my ortho, that was fast, they wouldnt take off my top braces but w/e. idc nemore. alicias more important now, hehe. i went back 2 her place and we kissed more and i got my ass kicked in pool by her stepdad. then we madeout for a few mins outside. then we went in and ate. we had this awesome chicken rice stuff. very good. then we were watchin tv and alicias mom called her. she came back and said "mom asked if we were goin out, what should i tell her?" i just leaned over kissed her and said yes. she was so happy. i was so happy. b4 we knew it, it was time 4 me 2 go. we went outside and she held onto me like she didnt want 2 let me go. i didnt want 2 go either but u kno parents. so i finally left after like a 15 min goodbye lol. i was almost late gettin home. i could barely drive i was on such a high. it was rainin 2. good thing i didnt crash or nething cuz i have a reason 2 live now. i love her sooo much. i miss her. i gotta see her again soon. REALLY SOON. love is so great. this 1s different then the love i had 4 kelli. i can feel it when im not around her. it dosnt require physical contact. i already trust her. i have no reason not 2. i think her ex still likes her but she dosnt like him. i just know that this will be perfect. i can deal w/ the dist this time. shes more free. all i have 2 do is gain her moms trust and im good. that wont be 2 hard w/ my freakishly high gpa and clean disciplinary record and the fact she dosnt kno i crashed. she likes my car which i think is a good thing lol. man alicia is so great. i can feel her rite now. its the greatest feeling in the world and this time im not dumping out on it 4 kelli...

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