Mar 09, 2006 13:32
"• Ethnographic data should be drawn from three different
ways: "
I'm sitting in the slc, in my anthropology lecture, zoning out to the sound of my professor talking about culture; components and norms...I'm also listening to "blackbird" (one of the only songs on the jukebox at the grill i can still stand). It's beautiful.
"-determining people’s understanding of the rules they
share (their notion of the way society ought to be)
(ideal culture)"
I keep thinking I'm going to be found out; that it's obvious I'm not taking notes and that I'm half listening...honestly I could fall asleep any moment...I almost dozed off during my test in bio a few minutes ago.
"-determining the extent people believe they are
observing those rules (how they think they actually do
I don't sleep's odd; it's not like I used to say "I don't sleep" I mean Really (as little lo as I can be) I don't sleep. I haven't hit my bed in two days.
"-directly observing the extent to which people do follow
those rules (real culture)"
Surely people can hear what i hear. Surely people will know. Honestly every time he pauses I think he's going to call me out on this, even though I'm sitting in the back, against the wall, far and opposite.
Now he knows. Only the two of us are left in the lecture hall -
and as he packs his things under his spotlight
I look down at him from behind my little wall of glo;
both of us pretending I'm not up here.