May 25, 2004 20:20
whats been goin down today and yesterday :)
monday i woke up around 12 and chilled, didnt do too much! i took jon to work at 2! i forgot what i did after that :\ oppsy! beth came over about 6 and we chilled! i went and got jon from work at 7 then took him home so he could finish chris's system and i went to beths! i left beths alittle after 8 and i came home and ate dinner and packeD my stuff cause i was stayin with beth! i went back to jons at 9 and stayed there till like 12! we took his uncles car and went to walmart then went back to his house and chilled in his room and stufff ;) i left at 12 and went to beths..rachel was stayin the night too! yay! i got there and there was 3 guys there i was like what is this? lol! it was jeff matt and cliff! we chilleD and talked and stuff! we had fun! :D there funny guys lol! at like 1 in the mornin everyone was hungry so we all went to mcdonalds (the one on wash. rd thats open 24 hours) and got somethin to eat then went back to beths! we chilled! at like 5:45 (in the mornin) bill (beths brother) came home, hes a cop and he works night, so we all were in the livin room and we acted like we were asleep haha! then bill went in his room and at like 6 we went to waffle house! jeff and matt ate and we chilled and talked! we were SO tired cause none of us never went to sleep, we all stayed up chillin, talkin, listenin to music, prank callin these people they know hahaha now that was FUNNY they were getting angry :D we left waffle house around 7:30 and me beth and rachel went and got a chappchino (MSP lol) and just rode around tryin to stay up haha then we went back to beths alittle before 8:30! me and beth were gunno go get our nails done at 9:30 but we wanted to talk alittle nap! haha! so yeah we fell asleep and rachel woke us up at 11:30 cause she woke up first! so we got up and talked for a few mins! then i took beth to drop her car off at my dads shop then i took them to the pool and i went and got jon and took him to walmart so he could get a fishin license lol! i got back to the pool about 1 or alittle before! we stayed there till like 5! i fell asleep for like 20 minutes haha! we had fun though it was HOTT!! ahh!! my face is sunburnt again but not as bad, i guess its gettin use to the sun haha idK! we left the pool around 5 i thinK and we went to my dads shop to get beths car then we went and ate at zaxbys cause we didnt eat all day! i felt SO sick! ugh! after that we went to the gas station and when we were pullin in beths exboyfriend chris rode past us with his new lil girlfriend and she yelled out the window "HOE" so we turned around and tried to find! we rode by chris's house and all the way down wash. RD cause thats where they were headin, we never found them! after that i came home around 7 or somethin! i talked to my mom and brother for alil while then i got in the shower and put some clothes on and blowed dryed my hair! now im HeRe! im goin to jons whenever he calls me, it already 8:30 so he needs to hurry cause im tired i wanna go to sleep earlyyyy tonight since i only got 3 hours of sleep! lol! jons been fishin all day at the river, and they are prolly like just now leavin! boo! well i just wanted to write in here to waste a few mins :) ill write later! byebye! i love you soooo much jon :D beth and rachel, we had TOOOOO much fun!! hahahaha! i love yall bffe<3