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Today’s Writing Prompt Wednesday takes an old trope and gives it a new twist.
Many of us have heard the whole “Are we there yet?” routine. Not only is it used in multiple cartoons (like the Smurfs), but it’s a favorite staple of children world-wide as they tire of whatever road trip they’ve been dragged on. The question quickly gets old and is a great indicator of how bored everyone is. So let’s change that.
Da Prompt: Write an exciting “Are We There Yet” speculative fiction story using the below three words. It can be horror, fantasy, science fiction, or any of the sub-genres.
Da Words: Poker, Trout, Moisturizer.
Da Wordcount: 500-3000 words.
Have fun!
Writers are frequently asked the question “Where do you get your ideas?” The question is a hard one to answer because we all find our inspiration in different places. Some people need to be given prompts, little snippets of ideas to spark their imaginations.
With that in mind, I am posting Writing Prompt Wednesdays. The goal is to inspire writers with exercises meant to train their skills and fire up the creative juices. There are rules. Most prompts will have associated word counts or style instructions. These are not meant to restrict the writer, but give the writer a chance to explore different ways of writing.
If you are an author in search of that one juicy idea, I hope these posts help. If you have ideas for writing prompts, please let me know.
Da Rules:
1) Anything goes so long as you stick to the spirit of the prompt.
2) I ask that if you do publish something based on one of my prompts, that you post the good news (and the link) in the comments of the prompt that inspired your success. You want other people to help you celebrate, right?