May 22, 2011 10:36
This is my second year at the SFWA Nebula Awards Weekend. I've noticed a lot of the same questions and behavior both years by non-writers or, as Bear puts it, "Wee baby writers." Inspired, I thought I'd put this down for those who are following me.
1) Despite being a professional writers conference, the SFWA Nebula Awards Weekend is open to non-SFWA members.
2) You don't have to be a writer, editor, or agent to buy a ticket. Yes, there was a few "fan boys" last year and this year.
3) You don't have to buy a banquet ticket to attend the actual awards. Non-banquet peeps are allowed inside to see the awards after the the banquet is over.
4) The Nebula Awards Weekend is streamed live to the internet (a relatively new thing which started, I believe, in 2010).
5) If you register for the weekend, you get free books! (I LOVE SWAG!)
6) You don't have to be a member of SFWA to win an award. The Nebula Awards, the Ray Bradbury Award, the Andre Norton Award, and the Solstice Awards celebrate both members and non-members who have written science fiction / fantasy or have significantly contributed to the science fiction & fantasy genres.
The 2011 Nebula Awards Weekend will be about this time next year in Arlington, Virginia. If you're an author, or a wee baby writer, or just a fan with an interest, buy a ticket. Come visit with us. This is a professional venue, so people are expected to have good hygiene, but other than that, the people who come to this are friendly, fun-loving peeps who would love to have more people attend.
There are plenty of workshops here. This year, we had workshops on incorporating your writing, reading 101 & 201, improving the writer website, warfare for writers, and subtle self-promotion (to name just a few). So if you're interested in the professionals' take without having to deal with the usual clap-trap of a fan convention, stop on buy.
And don't forget to check out the list of authors attending the mass signing. That's free to everyone, even if you haven't bought a Nebulas Membership.
nebula awards weekend,
writing advice,