I've know for a while that my travel laptop is dying. A few years ago, I had a heat problem. The bottom of the laptop kept heating up to sorching temperatures for no reason I could discern. So I installed some software, including a CPU temp monitor, and found out that my CPU was heating up beyond safe temps. The solution was to re-goo the heatsink
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When I got married, I moved 500 miles away from my parents. One of my dad's sisters lived in Las Cruces and I went and saw her fairly often, my wife and I would sometimes play dominos with her or take her out to dinner, and we'd visit her whenever we were in town to at least swing by and say hi. She passed away last year April at the age of 90 IIRC. I can't do much for my parents because of the distance, but my brother and sister are there and they're in pretty good shape considering they're in their 80s, so I did what I could for the sister in 'Cruces including dropping everything and tearing across the basin when she started her final health crash to stay with her until other family could get there.
My dad was her executor, and he handed me a check for $5G after the funeral. I was gobsmacked. It got me a full-frame DSLR which I'd been putting money towards, plus the iPad and taking care of some credit card debt. I'd rather have my aunt, but I got A LOT of use out of my camera when we were in Germany during the summer.
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