Cheers to the rest of your life

Mar 18, 2010 00:07

Thought it'd feel different.
Or maybe it feels this lame because I'm out here, with no one to celebrate with.
After I got the news, and made the phone calls to home..
I sat alone in my living room, with Ellen's E True Hollywood Story I had been attempting to watch in the background, just sort of stunned and thought "Well now what?"
So I just went back to the normal, browse the internet and watch some tv routine.
My roommate and her boyfriend came home and everything was just like any other day.
It's St. Patrick's Day, so I thought that even though I have to be up at 6:30am tomorrow for work, that I deserved to celebrate and what better day to do it??
Decided to go out on a limb and make an effort to go out. Was hoping to meet up with some friends.. the only ones I feel like might actually care to hear my awesome news and help me celebrate.
Got down to Chinatown only to find that some of them had already left, and the one that stayed.. left within 10 minutes of me getting there anyway.
Basically it was a waste. I had one beer with people I barely know. Awesome.
If I were in Vancouver, and had got the news.. it would have been so different.
I would have had people who actually care around me and to celebrate with and to buy me a beer and cheers me to getting accepted.
Or even just being around my family, spending time with them would have been so much better than tonight.
Just made me sure I want to leave.
Work was so much fun today with the kids. It was making me think about the job opportunity I'd have here in the summer... made me kind of teeter on the idea of staying longer.
But tonight reminded me of why I'm done with Hawaii.
There is no reason for me to feel this alone. I want people to share in my success and who care about me around me...or at least in a smaller distance than 3000 miles from me.
My dad was so excited when i called him. Granted, he was fairly inebriated, but the excitement was genuine. He kept saying "I'm so happy for you, I'm so happy. I'm so happy for, me! is that ok? To be happy for me?" I said "Yes Dad, you're allowed to be a proud Dad" He said "Good! Because I am just really happy for me, I mean for you too but for me!"
It was absolutely adorable.

I haven't even wrapped my brain around what's actually happened today.
Graduate school, for my PhD in Clinical Psychology.
Yeah... it's going to take awhile for that one to really sink in.
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