If you don't know, why would you say so?

Feb 01, 2010 23:59

Wow. Leaving on Thursday night for California.
Got the call 4 days ago..bought my ticket and arranged for a rental car today. Leave in 3 days.
Holy hell. I can't believe I'm flying to a city I've never been, where I don't know anyone, and going into a situation I've never experienced to this degree, a graduate school interview.

You know it's like, I've been sitting here saying how I just want my life to start already, how I want to move on and get things started and now I'm just like "holy shit!! It's going too fast, slow down! I'm not ready!!"
I just can't believe how fast this all really is happening. In all the things I read, I was told not to expect anything until March...so I basically put it out of my mind. Then I get a call on January 29th "We'd like you to come for an interview..."
I can't believe I've made it this far. I'm not accepted yet, there is a good possibility that I am going to spend all this money and still get rejected.
But I guess even just getting this far... shows me that I am worth a little something in the academic world. It shows that I at least look good on paper.

So I leave Thursday night. take the red eye to San Fransisco and arrive at 7am on Friday.
Then get my rental car and drive down to Palo Alto, although I have a bit of time.. So perhaps I'll explore the city a bit before headin south, since I've never been.
Friday there is talks, about the campus, the program, etc.
Then Saturday is the interview.
Then I drive back up to San Fransisco to fly back, flight leaves at 6pm.
Not even enough time to remember to breath.

I can't even begin to put into words how incredibly nervous I am.
This is the scariest thing I've ever done, hands down.
Because I'm doing it, completely on my own. With no direction, no ones footsteps to follow.
I am truly making my own path. It's Scary, crossing unknown waters and without anyone to hold my hand.
I know I can do this. This is what I've worked for, I want this more than anything, I deserve this.
All things I am going to have to keep repeating to myself until I believe them. Fake it til you make it, right??
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