brandi_08's Halloween party:
08_beauty_08 dressed as a part-time dead chicken waver.
_em0los3r_ dressed as Drew Barrymore.
_fear_me_ dressed as a Lindsay SpoelCompany employee.
bad_juliet dressed as Kobe Bryant riding a eagle, though it looked more like the President of Luxembourg.
brandi_08 dressed as a fever.
brandonowens10 dressed as James Buchanan.
britty_ dressed as a skunk.
chemical_kiss06 dressed as a lampshade.
cricketta06 dressed as a new superhero: Ghost Guardsman.
gunsg0bangx dressed as a quarterback for the Broncos.
heavensent_x0 dressed as the main character of "The Hustler".
jess_blondie_42 dressed as Cmdr. Riker from "Star Trek", though it looked more like Worf from "Star Trek".
joshlrose didn't dress up, spoilsport.
l0ve_is_bl0nde dressed as a witch.
luckii_ dressed as a angel.
lynds_44 dressed as a amplitude.
marie_06 dressed as the Opaque Power Ranger, though it looked more like a bottle of Whitroxenza.
ndn_wr06 didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
pass_the_mic dressed as a 1960's hippie child.
portia_3 dressed as the Cardinal of Frangengon.
purtypunkin2010 dressed as the love child of Bruce Springsteen and Vanna White.
s0uthern_sweeti dressed as Princess Leia.
sheenetta06 dressed as a wild mummy, and it suited them all too well.
silkster15 dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Cheeseball Monkeytush".
slackerb1tch___ dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Vulgar Prophet.
slash_the_hobo dressed as a surface deflation.
snairb dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Alberta.
the_axis_powers dressed as something quiet, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
thefamousb dressed as the Governor of Kentucky.
thumper_22 dressed as the Orange Power Ranger.
tiff_an_e_08 dressed as your grandmother.
tlv06 dressed as Nicole Richie.
to0_bl0nde didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
too_amos didn't dress up, spoilsport.
torn_emotions dressed as Carrie-Anne Moss's grandfather, and it suited them all too well.
trista_06 dressed as Jon Stewart.
x0_tlv dressed as Optimus Prime.
xpoisonedkisses dressed as a hedgehog.
Throw your own party at the
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