A Day of Misplaced Emotion

Apr 24, 2012 13:37

AWG... AWG... AWWWWG!! How can I be only 16 years old and miss my childhood? Why has everything gone to shit? Maybe I'm just growing up or maybe I'm just pessimistic, but I feel as though the American society is on a decline. ugh :( Some days the world is just so beautiful like when going on a hike, watching a heart-felt movie, or seeing an innocent little newborn baby, but some days the world is just so ugly and dark and unforgiving. I agree with a quote from Morgan Freeman in Se7en that quotes Hemingway from his novel For Whom the Bell Tolls "Ernest Hemingway once said, 'The world is a fine place and worth fighting for,' I agree with the second part." This is the sense that I feel every single day of my life. This world can be so beautiful if one lets it be that way. This world is beautiful, but the people in it can rot.
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