Jan 16, 2008 00:16
So weird. I finally check my email for the first time in 80 bazillion years and I get a letter from a person from way back in the day. Then I am inspired to look up other people I used to know and I discover that one person is MARRIED and has a baby. Wow. (^_^;) This is really just driving the fact home that I will be getting married this summer. The boy and I have been so happy together lately that we sicken our friends.
And of course this happiness scares the holy flying kittens right out of me. I am afraid of spiraling off into baddy bad badness again. I don't want to sabotage something so fun and so pure. Quite possible the first pure thing to ever happen in my life. So then I think about closure. I've put off talking to The Ex for almost a year now. Maybe it's time to put the whole situation to rest, or maybe I'm trying to stir up one last little bit of drama before I step up and stop play-acting at being an adult. Or maybe I just don't want to worry about the certain awkwardness that would follow an accidental run in. I'm pretty sure that the Boy will not react well if Scott tries to do anything - like say hello or breathe near me.
I think I'm over-thinking things again.
So, about the good things:
(This is for those people who pretend like they don't read my LJ once or twice a year just to check up on me. You know who you are. Just try not to twist it for your own purposes, ok? That joke isn't funny any more. :holds in pointless rant, takes a deep breath:)
I am getting married this summer to a fabulous guy. One who actually cares about me, :gasp: what a shock. Didn't think it was gonna happen again, but it is. We are discovering the joys and tribulations of impending adulthood together. We are planning to buy a home and fill it with cats, ponies and maybe even some offspring. I will hopefully get a degree and find some part-time translating work. And of course there's WoW. I have a lev 62 hunter that kicks mucho bootay. :nods: Some day I hope to take over all of Azeroth with her... with a little help from my undead warlock husband to be, of course.
Ok, that is the end of my Brandella/Zile/Eliz update. Hopefully that should hold my adoring fans for another 6 months to a year. :enter sounds of crickets chirping here: