Apr 20, 2006 16:26
Highlights from the last few days:
Finishing a paper on Descartes. ::phew::
Wrestling with a pair of magic boxers in the basement for a quarter of an hour trying to get them to expand. For the record, I won.
Spending the past week agonizing over a paper on the otaku subculture and finally finishing late last night. Thank god.
Sitting around, being a cat.
Watching Weis Kreuz Gluhen. Holy crap. Aya braid. Hnnnn....
Getting FF VII w/o subtitles. ::sigh:: It's gonna take me a while to get through it cause those suckers just talk to frikin' fast. But the art...oh the art...
Getting glared at for being on the comp during class. I guess I should go now, later.