"there's a lot of killing and violence... you wanna come?"

Mar 04, 2008 00:01

So I'm talking with
Gwynne again. I was walking to work this morning, and as I am wont to do I suddenly decided to text her to wish her a good day. I felt better afterward, especially when she responded in kind. This doesn't mean anything like what some of you may be thinking... I'm still sleeping on the couch, still moving out, still single. But maybe we can start with the being friends sooner than I had thought. That would be nice, eh?

I got an email back from the place that I am hoping for. Sent them an email back. Hopefully they'll want to meet me this weekend. More on that later.

At work I started having serious abdominal pain, worse than I've been having for the past month or so. I talked to my coworkers and the consensus is that I may be lactose intolerant, something Gwynne has been telling me for awhile now. I think I'm going to try staying away from dairy for at least a week and see what happens. In fact, I think it's time to make some other changes in my diet. More on that later.

Of course it wouldn't be a Brand Eks post without a DVD update... so here we go: I finished season 3 of Angel (thanks again
Colleen for letting me borrow these seasons!) which ends with Lorne and Groo leaving, Wesley sleeping with the enemy, Cordelia ascending, and Angel betrayed by Conner/Steven, locked up in a box and sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Um... I can has season 4?! Anyone out there own it and willing to let me borrow? I promise I won't have it long... I fly through these puppies.

moving, unwell, whedonverse, t.v.

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