204: Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. (Philip K. Dick)

Nov 15, 2007 21:03

Jack's mun would like to take a moment to inform those who may read the following of the fact that Jack is, even for him, rather inebriated.


Y'see mate, that may be, fer yer reality. 'Cos everyone's s'different, aye? 'S'like...I'm lookin' at an apple n'yer lookin' at the aforementioned fruit 's well...'n...'m seein' it diff'rently than how yer seein' it. Aye, could be s'just a diff'rence o'angles, but, see...angles...they make a big diff'rence. Can't use a map wi'out...angles. Wi'out triangles. Got no angles an' ye have nothin' t'stick the 'tri-' 'nto. Back t'th'apple...right? So 'm seein' it one way'n'yer seein' it 'nother way an' so, tell me this, so does that mean we are looking at the same apple? Cos 'm seein' one thing 'n yer seein' another an' so tha' could in...dicate...tha' we're each lookin' at a diff'rent di-men-sion of th'apple. An' if th'apple's bits're in diff'rent dimensions then the two o'us're each lookin' at a diff'rent real'ty, savvy?

An'...an' goin' on wi' tha' thought...if th' two o'us're lookin' at an apple, an' 'ave come to th' conclusion that lookin' at an apple means angles...which means dimen...sions...which gets us back t' real'ty...then 'm o'a mind tha' we're already slightly mad, mate. Which makes yer askin' me me thoughts on this subject a bit silly, no?

Captain Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean

204: response to reality

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