I need my woobie!

Jul 19, 2007 10:01

What a week!  Good lord...

So Monday afternoon just before I left work, Grumpy Pants came over to me and says "Well, since you are leaving HR is giving the go ahead to recruit for lead position.  Fuck, that means that I will have to recruit for two positions after you leave."  he is so god damn whiney!

I am taken aback by how all of a sudden he can now get an actual honest to good Lead position, which would actually have the title, salary and job description.  I blurted out "what the hell are you talking about?  Now that I'm leaving you can do this??!"

"Yah, this is going to be tough for me. This fucking sucks." he says.

I'm pissed and I say, "Well, just offere the damn thing to me and then you won't have to be so fucking frustrated."

"Are you serious?" he asks in wonder.  "Yes. I'd think about it." I say.  He walks off and I go home.  I was pissed.

Tuesday I leave work at noon to go down to Grand Ronde to take my drug test, meet with HR, and then also to the Grand Ronde Gaming Commission to go over my 18 page Gaming License application and get finger printed.  As I was driving home I get a call from Grumpy Pants.  I'm thinking 'why the hell is he calling me at 6:30 pm?'  He tells me to 'act surprised when Bobert, Garybert and himself pull me aside for a meeting in morning. They will be offering you a counter offer to stay.'  I'm thinking, why do I have to act surprised?  -- Because it will make HIM look good that he through of it.  Jack Ass Dick

So yesterday morning I come to work and Bobert has sent me a 'Coffee Talk' meeting request for 8:30.  I notice that Grumpy Pants is not included.  Hmmmm.

At 8:30 I walk over to Bobert's office and he says, "Oh we need to wait for Gary, as he would like to join us."  "Oh? okayyyy..." I say and look suprised.  it was good!  hee hee

When Garybert stopped by, they shuffled me out pretty damn quick so Grumpy Pants didn't see us.  I thought that was odd, but didn't say anything. They take me over to Starbucks. As we are walking over, Bobert's cell rings -- It is Grumpy Pants.  He's pissed.  Why was he not included?  B-bert begins to tell him that he and G-bert wanted to talk to me first, and that he and B-bert would discuss salary with me afterward.  That was the agreed upon decision yesterday.

G and B-bert and I sit down and they tell me that they do not want me to leave. They wanted to pull me aside to ask me why I was leaving and felt it was best if they did it without the hinderance of what they felt was why I was leaving; Mr. Grumpy Pants.  I explained some of my frustrations, and did let them know that one of the reasons is Mr. Grumpy Pants.  They wanted to know if I would stay, and did mention that the above issue would be remedied shortly, and they were aware of it.  They officially offered me the Lead position and said that salary would be talked about later, between bobert, petebert and myself.  They told me that I have a great reputation among my peers and everyone talks highly of me and they do not want me to leave.  I have skills they want me to continue to use there.  Garybert then gave me some ideas to think about - pros and cons of staying or going to Spirit Mountain.  I really appreciated this info, as there were things that I didn't even think about.

So we get back to the office, and I go in and sit with Mr. Grumpy Pants and Bobert and Mr. Grumpy Pants lets me know what the salary was that the grade range they would be putting at, would be.  It was too low in my opinion, and Bobert says, 'I can tell by the look on your face that you are not happy with this?"  "Correct"  I tell them.  "Then let's not beat around the bush, let's get this out in the open, what would you want to stay?"  Bobert asks.  I tell them and Grumpy Pants says that he will take that to HR.

Mr. Grumpy Pants then begans his little rant that in his mind is the same as a manager discussing what is expected of an employee once they receive a promotion and what is expected of him.  It was the same ol blah blah blah that he does, peppered with swear words and the word 'ain't'.  Jezus god on a stick, I hate it when an intelligent professional  uses the word 'Ain't' all the time.  Did I just call Mr. Grumpy Pants an intelligent professional?!  Anyway, his expectations discussion was so confrontational and negative.  I gnored it though, because I am used to his B.S.

Later I get an e-mail that HR has approved the $$ number I asked for and 'the ball is in my court.'  Interestingly, later in the afternoon Garybert comes over and asks, "how are you doing?  Everything okay?"  I tell him yes.  It was odd...  He says he'll stop by tomorrow (today) to chat.  I had a really good conversation with my brother and his girl friend last night about things and David gave me som things to think about and some good questions to ask Garybert this morning.

So, this morning Garybert pulls me into a conference room and wants to know how I was doing.  He says that Bobert told him that the meeting with he, Grumpy Pants and I didn't go so well, and that Grumpy Pants was confrontational Hallejuah!! people are noticing!!!, and that he didn't want they way Grumpy Pants painted the picture to push me in the other direction.  He also wanted to know if I had any more questions.  I told him that I did have a couple of questions, and one had to do with the so called changes that would be put into affect soon.  I told him i realized he couldn't give me exact info, but just some details.  Well he told me that in all confidence Grumpy Pants would be gone soon.  Whether that be just in a different position somewhere else, or totally gone he would not say, but he did mention that processes are in place to remove that frustration.  I will believe it when I see it.  He did also give me some good info on what could be coming down the road, and he kept pointedly saying, that "You would be a big part of the decision making.".

So, that's where things are at at the moment!!!

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