Mar 08, 2008 11:05
After the first few days with the new iMac/Time Capsule installation and subsequent internot problems taking up my time, I didn't have an opportunity to play any Xbox. I knew that since I completely replaced our wireless network, I'd have to set the 360 up again for Xbox Live. Unfortunately, the 360 wouldn't connect to my new network. After trying a few things, I did some research and found that the only way a 360 will connect to Xbox Live is through a hardwired Ethernet cable, which isn't really an option and completely destroys the point of owning the wireless network adapter. There are all sorts of issues people are reporting about the connectivity dilemma on Apple forums and other places.
They'll...they'll fix that, right? I mean, I'd hate to have paid for a year long Gold membership to Xbox Live and for a 500gb Time Capsule just to have them not be compatible.
Here's an idea! If I were to plug a cable from the Time Capsule into my old router and plug the latter in, would that create a new network? One the Xbox could connect to? I don't think that would work.
So, help?
imac daddy,
video games