May 27, 2011 17:16
Okay I realize people have busy lives but HELLO, 3 SEPARATE PEOPLE THAT I'VE SENT IMPORTANT EMAILS TO IN THE PAST WEEK, it would take you 5 freaking minutes to respond to me and reduce my stress level by like 60%. I mean, if I don't think I'm going to have time to respond to something extensive (which these email questions are NOT) I at least email back and say, hey, I got your email, I'll get back to you when I have a free moment to be really thorough. It's not like these are close friends who I'm talking to regularly or who can just shoot me a text or whatever, these are a midwife, a church leader, and a prospective childcare parent. This is one of my hugest pet peeves. Professional communication skills, FUCKING GET SOME.