hey so yesterday me and haley, and my family went to dewey. it was soo much fun. when we got there we took alot of pictures of chickens lol. then we went on this one ride thing where you climb up a bunch of hay and then you swing on a rope kind of and land in a bunch of corn kernals. it was really fun and there were all these hot guys who were working there and they kept on yelling at us to jump down haha. then me and haley went in a little kids play ground and this little girl kept on throwing corn at us lol. then after that we just walked around and we went to a petting zoo and we were there for a really long time.
haley was feeding that goat and he sneezed on her haha
that was the other guy! then after that we got ice cream and left. it was really fun. and today i went shopping with my mom and got a pair of pants! so im gonna go because my grandparents are here.