I've tried to hold off on talking about these until I have more to say about them, but I just can't hold it back. I want to scream from the mountaintops!
I know for certain that I have some readers who are in a relationship. How would you say your relationship is doing? You know what I'm talking about! No matter what else enters into the mix, the strongest elements of maintaining a romantic relationship are always the same - love, romance, and sex. Since these three pretty much go hand-in-hand, it's really nice when they're present. But it's terrible when they're missing! What do you do when you just can't seem to work up enough excitement about your guy to sleep with him? What do you do when you lose the urge to even pretend to say, "I love you"? What do you do when you'd give anything, anything, to be married to someone who actually gave a shit about you?
I'll tell you what we did - we bought 101 Nights of Grrreat Sex. It looks a little something like this:
Now, bear in mind that we just bought this one, and so far, I've done two seductions and Charlie's done one. His was a really big, planned-out one, though, and mine were pretty much just . . . quickies. Even from the little bit that we've done out of this book, we can already tell that we're closer, we're more attracted to each other, and we're both really excited about finding out what comes next!
We bought the sister book to Grrreat Sex almost two years ago - this one is called 101 Nights of Grrreat Romance. The difference is that Grrreat Romance focuses in on the romantic actions that make you want to be intimate with your partner, while Grrreat Sex for the most part just gets down to the nitty gritty.
When we first bought Romance, we absolutely did not put our whole hearts into making the seductions all that they could be. I did about four of them in the way-back-when and they mostly flopped, he did three and almost forgot about them until the last minute. That's the thing with these books - they take patience and persistence. But they work!
You remember my beautiful flowers and gifts, surely? They were a product of a seduction from Grrreat Romance.
I'm not saying that you should run out and spend the $40-50 you would spend to get both of these books, and I'm definitely not saying that your love life is crap without them. It takes being in a very trusting and loving place in your relationship to care enough about them to make the seductions work - they may be good suggestions, but you still have to pull them off on your own. We learned that lesson the hard way two years ago.
I don't know what made me want to talk about this today, but I'd like to think that it's because someone out there was looking for something like this. I hope this helped whoever it was that I was compelled to help!