Dec 10, 2007 00:01
I have just had the scariest walk of my life here at cornell...
A quarter inch ofice. Over everything. Sidewalks, roads, signs, everything. My walk, which was from Bradfield Hall, usually only takes fifteen minutes at most. It had taken almost forty-five minutes tonight. The sidewalks were nearly impassable, and you could hear sirens all over as people were driving by at a crawl.
I've never really paid attention to other peds, but tonight, I could tell where all them were. Byr the screams and yells as they took a fall. I saw one person clutching a hydrant, as if hoping the ice would magically disappear. This was the worst case of freezing rain I've ever seen. I had to walk at a shuffle, and I was still slipping. My walk invovles downhille, and it was like sledding, that's how slippery they had become.
The next time it gets this bad, I'll sleep in the lab. There's no way I'm ever going to risk my ass on the ice again this winter.