Ganta App

Apr 11, 2020 09:26

[nick / name]: Lee

[personal LJ name]: afromatic

[other characters currently played]: Huey Freeman :: The Boondocks :: child_radical


[AIM / messenger]: ecchidreads/rikkai_dreads

[series]: Deadman Wonderland

[character]: Igarashi Ganta/Woodpecker

[character history / background]: Igarashi Ganta as a child escaped from a Tokyo during the Great-Tokyo Earthquake 10 years prior to the events which led him down a path of struggle and moral turmoil. Having lost his memories of everything which happened during his escape from Tokyo and everything else before then, Ganta lived as a normal student with his father until things took a drastic change.

One day the 14-year-old normal middle school student was doing nothing one day but talking to his friends about their planned trip to Deadman Wonderland, an amusement park which also doubles as a prison and staffed by the inmates. While they continued to talk, everyone in the class except for Ganta is murdered by a mysterious floating man cloaked in red - The Red Man, as Ganta would later call him, who then shoots a blood red crystal into the survivor’s chest and leaves him unconscious.

Upon waking up in the hospital Ganta is approached by the police and arrested under the suspicion of the murder of his classmates. Even though he pleads his innocence and that macabre event which took place in his class was the cause of The Red Man, the boy is judged guilty and sentenced to death. He is then sent to the amusement park/prison, Deadman Wonderland where he is thrown into despair at seeing how ruthless things are there in addition to having an explosive-ridden, poison injecting collar strapped around his neck.

While there he meets with a girl named Shiro who claims that the pair are friends but Ganta pushes her away, thinking that she is crazy and that she nearly tried to kill him. When working construction on an attraction, a giant ball falls down from the sky and is about to kill both him and Shiro until he destroys it with an unknown power. After a series of events he is removed from the general prison population, given the moniker ‘Woodpecker’ and placed inside a unknown section known as Sector G which is filled with other people like him with the power to control their blood - the Branch of Sin. These people and Ganta are given the title of Deadmen.
Thus begins his journey into the secrets of his memory as well as the reasons behind the creation of the Deadmen and the Branches of Sin.

[character abilities]: Physically the boy is very weak, and his skills as a student is average. As a Deadman his real power lies in his Branch of Sin powers. The powers stem from the ruby crystal lodged into his chest by The Red Man. The Branch of Sin allows the Deadmen to manipulate their blood in various offensive capabilities. Ganta’s Branch of Sin is the aptly titled “Ganta Gun” which allows him to turn his blood into projectile orbs. Though he can’t use it too much due to the ammo used to fire it off being his own blood.

Over the course of the series Ganta has increased the strength and technical aspects of the Ganta Gun, going as far as to learn how to make the shots rebound and hit an enemy’s blind spot and also increase the speed of a shot to the point it breaks the sound barrier. Lastly when pushed beyond his limit’s a blood red tattoo begins to form along the right side of his body and his Branch of Sin powers are greatly increased to the point where a shot can cause damage on the scale of a RPG rocket and the crystal in his chest rises up and is visible.

Ganta also wears a collar like all other prisoners in Deadman Wonderland which will explode if tampered with and also regularly injects a poison into his body which will kill him unless he takes the antidote needed to save his life every three days. Upon arrival to the city the poison injecting function of the the collar will be deactivated due to the lack of Candy (antidote) in the city.

[character personality]: Originally a normal kid, upon the unfair treatment he received and the deaths of his friends, Ganta began to sink low into despair until he made friends within the prison. He has a somewhat normal disposition but when things get overbearing he has the tendency to run away from the problem until he realizes that it’s useless to run. Once his mind is made up on a goal he will push forward no matter what.

For Ganta his friends are the major driving force behind everything he does and he cares about them more than his own personal safety as shown when he attempts to save Shiro before she falls to her death during a deadly event in the prison. He also can’t help but become racked with guilt when his friends are hurt or after he realizes that he himself has wronged them all or believes that something has happened to them due to his own perceived weakness.

While he is not fond of violence, especially after witness his classmates corpses and the penalty game faced by another Deadman. But knows that it’s an absolute necessity for him to survive. Although in the case of The Red Man, Ganta will go into a bloodthirsty rage and will do anything in his power in order to kill the person who made his life Hell.

[point in timeline you're picking your character from]: Near the end of Chapter 21.

[journal post]:

…This candy is just really, bitter…huh what? What is this?

This isn’t the prison. Shiro…anyone…where are you guys…

I can’t be alone again…I just can’t. If you guys can hear please answer me! …Please…

[third person / log sample]:

The battle was over. After many of his fellow Deadmen had died, they had managed to defeat the leader of the Undertaker Corps. Though for Ganta it was a hollow victory. After many setbacks - from being betrayed by one of their own, to finding their powers nullified by the weapons of the Undertaker’s, to having Owl being kidnapped and eventually being killed by the same man that he had just put an end to left a strain on the young teenager. It wasn’t right it didn’t sit well with him at all. There had to have been a better way for them to achieve their goals. Maybe if he had listened to Shiro earlier about the bomb then a lot of what had transpired would’ve been avoided.

Although he knew such a wish wouldn’t have been able to be granted. There were other things he knew he had to worry about than what had previously transpired. He had declined to join with his comrades in Scar Chain in their bid to leave Deadman Wonderland in order to protect the friends that he still had in the prison. There was Tamaki and the sick Carnival Corpse games and also there was The Red Man. The man had already killed his friends. The exhausted boy's eyes narrowed. He wouldn’t allow him to do the same to the one’s he made inside the prison-turned-amusement park.

He wouldn’t allow anymore of is friends to die. Clutching the candy tighter in his hand he began to build up his resolve for what he knew he had to do.He would get stronger. He would put an end to the twisted events which transpire inside Deadman Wonderland under the warden’s watch. He would free his friends and himself.

And he would kill The Red Man.


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