last entry was pain and fear about my mother, my family
teknolovesong, i love you for caring. deepest thank you.
recently i can feel health seeping into my bones; 99.5 lbs
it's as if my body knows to kick into survive-mode
when everything starts crashing down. i have been eating
5 small meals a day, cooking them myself;
steamed zuchinni and broccoli, chamomile cauliflower soup
with a constant cup of tea steaming next to me.
mr. dostoyevsky, mr. huxley, and mr. cohen are always by my side.
thought my boyfriend would get jealous, but
he's in on it too! we toss quotes and thoughts back and forth;
our brains playing a game of catch. i love him, and also,
small, delicate buds of friendships-to-be are sprouting
all around me, as well as baby flames of rekindled fires.
i was wrong to put all my weight on one girl... she sputtered
and died in my eyes. why didn't i see
the warm, supportive hands reaching out from every direction?
well now i do, and livejournal happens to hold a few of them
thank you, ladies, for providing a piece of love and warmth
in a hectic spinning life. i am doing all i can
to be worth your time.
P.S. penpals anyone? leave your address, comments screened.
Joy Pollak (branch limbs)
12285 Saratoga Creek Dr.
Saratoga, CA 95070
soundtrack for april
Plane - Jason Mraz Hotel Song - Regina SpektorThese Streets - Paolo NutiniAnthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl - Broken Social SceneGotholympians - Andrew Bird