(no subject)

Jul 06, 2007 21:20

i'm sorry the rocks melted and left you lukewarm.
thoughts of me are of no consequence, don't forget
i'm already gone. humility had me in its mouth
but after a few long days, i am ready to be free
of supposed virtues. a roomful of whipped puppies
with tails between their legs, hissing house-cats;
even with your claws extended, you are still too small
to cause the damage that you want. lick your wounds.
having rested and recovered, i don't want to sit around
discussing the reasons why i'm not standing.
i have these scars, but i'll outgrow them again,
beyond the day your fury dies. i may not win, but
you'll never see me kneeling before defeat.

humility has rancid breath, i'm already gone

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