to the sound of violins

May 01, 2010 00:37

I ended up getting an iphone, hands-free car set, some clothes (I'll show you at some point) and jewelry. The rest of the $1000 will go towards paying the $90/month plan FOR the iphone

I've been doing a lot of handwriting lately, and I'm so glad to be inspired again. Something about creating - whatever the medium may be - gives you a strong wind of hope, as if this could be it, or will at least lead to it, the thing that every artist strives for, the one piece that gains enough recognition that you can afford to continue creating.
My outlook changes completely when I'm active/happy - I start to believe in my ability to actually be remarkable, and feel as if I could explode with potential, whereas when I get into a slump, I don't believe in myself and I don't have any hope for tomorrow.
eh, I'm rambling. Goodnight.
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