Darfur bracelets.

May 15, 2009 18:59

I am selling Darfur bracelets. If you don't know about Darfur or whats going on over there in Sudan, go here. Basically there is still a huge genocide taking place in Sudan.

I was involved with a Save Darfur club in high school and we sold bracelets for $1 at lunches. I still have a huge bag full of them and I want to get the word out and give them out. Comment and tell me how many you want... $1 for each bracelet, $1 for me buying the packaging, and $2 for shipping. I WILL NOT BE KEEPING ANY OF THE MONEY. I will donate each dollar to darfur and use the rest for buying/shipping your package!

HERE and HERE are pictures of the bracelets, please consider buying a package. The bracelets say "Peace in Sudan."

If you don't have a paypal, then I will consider cash in an envelope! Thanks guys :D

COMMENTS ARE SCREENED so you can't comment with your address. Or if you aren't comfortable with that, comment and I will give you my e-mail!
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