Nov 15, 2010 20:34
I composed these questions and your answers to them will be very helpful to me.
1. What do you love doing most?
2. Do you feel you get to do that often enough?
3. Is that activity part of a paying job?
4. a. (If you answered "no" above) Do you wish it were?
b. (If you answered "yes above) Did you know it would be?
5. How could find more time to engage in your favourite pastime?
6. What do you sacrifice to do what you love most?
7. How did you decide to sacrifice it?
8. What compromises have you made to do what you love most?
9. How would you change those?
10. Do you feel that what you love doing most is your "calling"?
a. (If you answered "no" above) What made you decide to follow it?
b. (If you answered "yes" above) What would have to change for you to follow it?