Why I'm so smarter

Dec 05, 2009 07:36

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Do you think your smarter then everybody else? Do you want to make things too hard for other people to understand? Do you have far too many time on you’re hands?

Then you can be a masters student!

As a masters student, you’ll learn big words so that you can show off how smart you are! You’ll also learned how to use big words when you talk so that people will know your important:

Most people: This problem is hard.

Masters students: This problem is complicated.

You’ll be teached to replace all you’re normal words with really hard ones to understand, both writing and speaking! That way, you can sound real smart when you talk and your email will look like you think to much!

Want to spend all day to know what those pictures on you're email are? As a masters student, you’ll get to!

Most people: Whats this squiggly line after the words on my email?

Masters students: Thats a question mark?

Most people: Wow. Your real smart! Whats a question mark?

Masters students: It means the words at you're email have a question.

Yes, its true, masters students get to look smart then every one else and know real important stuff that they use in their txt messages to show people how smart they are!

Ready to think your smarter then every body else? Ready to make the same monies and know your able to be good at you’re job more then every one? Then you to be a masters student! You can pay a university to give you with an important diploma that you can show off from it! So what are you waiting about?

Click the pictures on the internet on you’re computer and find ways to can be a masters student!
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