Mar 03, 2008 13:07
I have recently come back to the conclusion that happiness is extremely underrated. I used to know that in high school. No matter how bad things got at home I was still just an overly happy person. I lost that for the past few years although I didn't know that it was gone. I thought I was still happy but within these past few weeks I have started to see what real happiness is.
Let me explain. I met a guy...actually on Valentin's Day...go figure. We spent that following weekend together for the majority of the weekend and on that monday since it was a day off for both of us. We don't do much but sit around and watch movies and just discuss various things but I really enjoy it. He has a slightly different take on some things which gets me thinking and it's nice to have someone that gets me thinking again. I didn't get to see him for about 2 weeks but we did talk on the phone and those conversations usually lasted for a couple hours. It's just nice to meet a guy that I have a lot in common with and actually feel completely comfortable around. I mean I don't know where this is going..if anywhere but I am quite thankful for this bit of time I am spending with him because it's really making me realize what i've been missing. I have to admit i'm glad to finally remember what total and complete happiness feels like.