hey sup guys, this week was my first week of college at THECOLLEGEFORCREATIVESTUDIES. All the anxieties I had that are commonly associated with doing new and exciting foreign things are now long long gooone. This makes me veddy veddy happy. For one I was little afraid that becasue I took my Drawing 1 class at Michigan State taking Drawing 2 at ccs would be devistating, but I had the first class and it seems pretty sweet and all that jazz. And what more is basically aside from the first two weeks (where we'll be drawing chairs, idk the professor has like this weird chair fetish or something) the rest of the 15 weeks I will be drawing nudebodies!!!! Ahhhh I love love love love drawing nude people.*o* It's just toooo much fun. Don't believe me try it yourself, ask your kid brother or kid sister or if your like me some random kid to strip so you can draw them, and then after going to jail for being a huge pedo you can then sketch your burly cellmate on the wall right before they sexually molest you to death.
I've only taken half of my classes so far but all of them seem pretty good and they told me I don't have to buy the books. The only gripe I have with the classes is a digital fundementals class and I'm basically learning about photoshop and dreamweaver and illustraitor and those programs are my bitches (minus illustraitor). Like today we learned how to select spaces using differnt tools. MIND NUMMING.
Ah, well everythings good in this neck of the hood for the most part. Hopefully I can move out with nick and maybe john soon. That'd be cool.
I'm getting weary of parents being parents. And then my parents being my parents.
Yeah, so I decided to start redrawing the AWOP arcive. One, because they don't look all too hot and I can redraw (and rewrite in some cases) them wayy better now, in half the time too! Which is pretty sad when you think about it. It used to take me longer than 30 minutes in most cases to draw the old awop comics and now I can squeeze em out like nothing. Aaannnd two, to get back into drawing comics cause that's my backup if I end up hating animating which I don't think will happend. eh.
Also a new one that just for chrriiisssss. (I SWEAR ILL FINISH THE OTHER ONE SOONER OR LATER DON'T KILL ME)
Hopefully I can get AWOP back to running once or twice a week and link back to once a week, cause I really enjoy doing both of them and would like to get link completed atleast and AWOP to at least 100 before killing it. I WANT TO SEE SOMETHING THROUGH FOR ONCE. GOD DAMN.
You can also have the only things I've drawn so far today.
What can I say, materials are boring.
Also, I know, right? Art in my Lj? Absolutely unheard of...
'and I extend my middle right hand didget and say: 'would you like some lemon and lime with that piece of advice, Mister?'"
Ah how I love the hives. I wonder how they never make it to my top 5 bands. D: