Having seen you in action, I would say you won't be happy with it if you don't frog it and re-do it. I think Lemon's right that you turned around and knitted back in the wrong direction.
Your knitting is beautiful, though. You've picked it up really quickly.
Thanks. Once I got the rhythm of it, it was great. I just need to learn not to put my work down in mid-row. Not until I'm confident that I won't do something stupid like backtrack.
Oh, hell, I still do it from time to time. The way you can tell very quickly that you've done it if you put it down and start again is that there will be a BIG hole where you picked up, big enough to stick your little finger through.
Whenever I have to set my knitting down in midrow, I throw a mini rubberband across both needles so I don't accidentally drop any while I'm gone. And then if Maelle picks up my stuff and carries it around, the rubber band holds those tips together and holds all the stitches on the needles!
Your knitting is beautiful, though. You've picked it up really quickly.
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