(no subject)

May 03, 2004 18:08

this weekend i went down to protest with 2,000 other people at Safeco field, to protest a freakish praise-Jesus, fight-the-homos rally. very seldom has my adrenaline surged like it did at this protest. My boyfriend and i were in the front row reminding parents to consider the message they are sending now,and the effect on their their kids if they turn out to be gay, and also to inter-racial families that fourty years previous their church had lots of contempt for them. I never knew how exhausting picketing could be. some of the responses or unsolicited advice from the Christians i recieved while the fuckers filed into Safeco Field, all of them strangers:

you will go to hell
i love you, but hate your lifestyle.
repent, change your ways, be saved.

So today at the lunch table, the group of people that i always eat lunch with were asking what everyone did over the weekend. My turn came. I told 'em about Saturday. There is one girl on my team at work that is Christian, and bellows out mindless, brainwashed bullshit like the following:

I dont approve of that lifestyle. but your an awesome person, brandon!
were all sinners
i know people that were gay but stopped acting on it, and then they got married, so its possible to change!
I am willing to be submissive to my husband and let him make all decisions because that is how God wants it.

After talking about the experience to the table, everyone was really excited and supportive (except one) at the table, as i expected. and the christian girl was not sure was quiet but would politely counter anything i said that poo-poo'ed her Christian beliefs. She pulled me aside later and said she doesnt mean to offend, and that we will just agree to disagree. I agreed. She reiterated again that im a super cool person and am awesome. all is well. the end.

is there something to reference, personal testimony, a publication, anything that recounts the Christian church's intolerance toward interracial marriage? I dont like to go into arguments with nothing to back up my beliefs, and while it is widely accepted by liberals that the church was intolerant about interracial marriage, i want something more meaningful then 'trust me, i know.'

and also, if anyone has pictures of the protest, i would love copies of them too!
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