wierdness at work

Aug 19, 2004 10:50

I cant concentrate.

Today i went into the men's room, and while i was in there i could hear 'click click click' coming from inside one of the stalls. Somebody was sending text messages from in there! i guess it really doesnt matter, since everyone takes their friends into the bathroom when they cant wait for the telephone conversation to end.

Speaking of gross, there is this girl that works two cubes down from me and drives me nuts. She is always a sweaty mess, hair stuck to her temples, a mouth breather, and frequently wearing unknown stains on her shirts. For some reason she gets away with this, my work has a relatively strict dress code. Up til this week she would come into my cube and lay her sweaty body upon me without permission, dousing my back with a wet hug that i did not ask for, sometimes shaking me like a rag doll. It was a rather embarrassing sight. A workfriend said maybe she has a crush. But Then all the sudden she stopped it. I wonder if it is because she found the magnet that hallz made for me in my cube - she has a Def Leopard poster and a tacky 'God Bless America' wall sconce in hers.

I dont know what is grosser, Def Leopard, text messages from a toilet stall, or unwanted wet hugs
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