
Jun 14, 2006 21:54

1. So I'm single and not anywhere near as sad as I thought I would be. I actually don't feel mad either. I'm sort of ambivilant to the whole situation. Tommy acted childish and like a jerk, but when I look back, those were part of the reasons I liked him. I liked how easygoing he was and how he didn't worry about things the way I do, I liked that he lives entirely in the moment... however it's probably his childish attitude that made those other things possible. I liked how outgoing and strong he was, how he always stood up for himself and for me... but he could be a jerk if he wanted. In the end, I can't be surprised or angry at something that's part of who he is and part of the person that attracted me.
2. What does anger me are the people who insist on telling me how they never liked him or how they thought it would go badly. That's about the least helpful thing someone could say. Is it supposed to make me feel better that you hated him all along? Could you possibly have known the whole story before you came to that decision?
3. I think I've done an exceptional number of stupid things in the past few days.
4. Do you believe if you wish something hard enough, it'll come true? Even if it's a bad thing?
5. Claudia and I plan to celebrate my newfound singledom in a week or two... at a strip club! haha Brittany will probably come (and will possibly be celebrating her own impending singledom) and maybe some other girls from work.
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