Sep 27, 2005 15:45
1. What time is it in one hour? 4:28pm
2. Name as appears on birth certificate?: Matthew Christopher Bralley
3. Nickname(s): Matt..... nothing exciting. Someone give me a kewl nickname!!
4. Do You Drive?: My favorite thing to do with clothes on! ;o)
5. Single or taken?: Single
6. Chinese zodiac: Ram
7. Hair color: Brown
8. Eyelash color: Brown
9. Height at age 12: uhhhhh..... probably like 5' 10" ish
10. Shoe size (wide, long, ): 11
11. Glasses, contacts or neither? Contacts
12. Braces?: 2 years. My teeth are pretty now though.
13. Wished Piercing/tattoos?: I have two tattoos... more to come.
14. Birthplace: Corpus Christi, TX
15. Current residence: Vienna, VA
16. Siblings name and age: David, 24
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Gotten super wasted? I'm drunk right now. LoL
18. Gotten so drunk you don't remember what happened? Who are you?! Where am I!?!
19. Drank 5 liters of beer in 2 hours?: Never kept track... I will next time I get 'super wasted'
20. Had an Irish carbomb: LOVE THEM!!!
21. Skipped school by peer pressure?: I'm usually the one egging people to ditch school.
22. Bungee jumped?: Yes
23. Kissed someone not related to you 30 years or older than you?: No
24. Kissed someone of the same sex not related to you?: Yes
25. Made out with more than two people in one day: Yes
26. Hit your head somewhere and been knocked out?: Almost
27. TP'd someone's house?: Yes
28. Won something of value?: Yes
29. Asked a stranger out?: Yes
30. Been rejected by someone?: Still single aren't I!? haha
31. Been in love with someone who didn't know it?: Unfortunately, Yes
32. Been to over 5 funerals?: Yes
33. Used a lighter?: Yes
34. Been on stage?: Yes, several times.
35. Pasta: Shrimp Alfredo
36. Ice cream flavor: Ben and Jerry's One Sweet Whirled
37. Store for clothes: Thrift Stores, Anything in the Mall (I'm not a clothes whore), Men's Warehouse (work clothes), DSW (shoes)
38. School subject(s): Photography, Computer Courses, Auto Shop
39. Breakfast cereal: Life Cereal.
40. Number and why: 49 - My lacrosse number.... it just kinda becomes your lucky number after a while.
41. Book and why: Your mom's autobiography... she's a kewl woman. hehe
42. Horror Movie: Halloween, Session 9, Exorcist, The Exorcism of Emily Rose... more and more and more.... you get the idea.
43. Candy: Anything!
44. Soda: Not a big soda fan, I only drink it at restaurants.
45. Color: Black, Grey, White
46. Vacation spot(s) that you like: Camping in the mountains.
47. Sport to watch on tv: Hockey, Football, Soccer
48. Sport to play: Lacrosse, Swimming, Biking, Soccer
49. Fruit: The men in Dupont Circle.... oh wait I mean.... Strawberries, Oranges, Grapes... pretty much any fruit.
50. Sound: My car's exhaust in a tunnel. hehe Can't live w/o music!
51. Fast food restaurant: I try to avoid fast food... but I do like Subway, Chipotle and Quiznos.
52. Cartoon Character: Hong Kong Fooey
53. Holiday the first half of the year: Uhhhh....
54. Name for a boy: Not mine. :o)
55. Name for a girl: Not mine either! hahaha
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate, strawberry or vanilla?: Vanilla
57. Boys or girls?: Love the ladies! ;o)
58. Long relationships or one night stands: Only ever had Long Relationships
59. Dogs or cats or horses?: Dogs
60. comedies or scary movies: All movies.
61. Silver or gold?: Silver
62 Croutons or bacon bits?: Neither
63. Potato: head
64. Tomato: bad jokes
65. School: Site of ridicule, oppression and general emasculization. And that was just Elementary school. haha
66. Grass: Allergies
67. Cow: Poo
68. Canada: What are you talkin aboot?
69. Mouse: trap
70. Hand: job.... did I say that out loud!! :oD
******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie? Yes
72. Talked on the phone?: Yes
73. Cried?: Nope
74. Threw up?: Nope
75. Drank a glass of water?: Yes
76. Gone to the bathroom?: That's where I'm filling this out from.... :::poop::: J/K
77. Read a book or magazine?: Yup
78. Watched tv?: Yup... what channel is the inspirational channel again!?
79. Looked in the mirror?: Yup
80. Taken a shower?: Yes
81. Taken a picture?: Yes
82. Listened to music? Yup
83. Hugged or kissed someone?: Yup
84. Done your hw?: Don't have any!! WOO HOO!!
85. Told someone you loved them?: No
***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....******
86. Heaven?: Sure
87. A one true love?: Yes
88. Aliens? I think the universe is too big for us to be alone in it.
89. Fun for the entire family? Sounds kinky. lol
90. Freedom of speech?: Undeniable Right
91. Love?: Yes
92. Magic?: Yes
*******SOME RANDOM STUFF******
93. Last movie you saw in theatres? 40 Year Old Virgin
94. Are you listening to music right now?: Yes - Jack's Mannequin "The Mixed Tape"
95: What color shirt do you have on?: Blue
96. Do you like your middle name? Yes
97. What is the best thing since sliced bread: Sheera.... I went with what she put in her survey... made sense to me. haha
98. What color is your backpack?: I do not have a man purse or a backpack for that matter.
99. What time is it now? 3:44pm