Sep 10, 2008 09:42
I've been sick for over a week now. Four of those days I was bed-ridden with a fever! It was - although uncomfortable - very nice. Because I got to sleep all day on a couch and eat nothing but soup and jelly! Yay.
I'm well enough to be back at work this week. But my voice is low and husky (I personally think it makes me sound really cool and/or sexy) and I can't even walk up a hill without feeling over-exerted. Besides that, I think I'm still going to try and make Netball tomorrow!
I'm going to Tonga for a fortnight come next Monday. I'm excited! I will be watching boars run around shacks or I'll read a book whilst eating fatty-meaty stews by the sea-shore. We're going swimming with whales, too! We being the family.
Tonight I am going to the Belgium Beer Cafe with my work mates. It's 1/2 price mussel night!
(Do I really wanna go to netball? Hmmm...)