Lists :D

Mar 22, 2008 00:38

01. Compose a list of YOUR top ten sexiest famous men.
02. Collect one picture of each guy on your list.
03. Post them in your journal.
(( because I i like both, I'm posting both))

1. Avril Lavigne (I'm sorry but I would tap that SO damn hard. Omg.)
Brett Michaels (I'm sorry but this man has such a freaking amazing voice and kissable lips. *3* ilubrett)

2.Angelina Jolie (I'm sorry but look at this woman and TELL me she's not sex on legs. Keep in mind: BEFORE Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie)
Brad Pitt (I'm sorry, I know, its the classic answer but HOT DAMN. Funny how he's on the same level as his wifey.)

3. Jessica Alba (...I dont even think I need to explain this one)
Johnny Depp (same with this one)

4. Megan Fox ( one should be this hot.)
Brendan Fraser (Fucking love this man)

5. Gwen Stefani (I've had a girl crush on this one since the first No Doubt Album)
Dennis Leary (SO much attitude.)

6. Winona Ryder (I can just squeeze her. I love her. I dont care what anyone says)
John Corbett (with both long and short hair)

7. Keira Knightley (DOMINO. Holy crap, woman)
Heath Ledger (;-; i loved him. 10 things I hate about you, baby..)

8. Kate Beckinsale (quite the little hottie)
Alan Rickman (Saw him in Dogma way back when and fell in love @_@)>

9. Helena Bonham Carter (Strangely enough, yes.)
Edward Norton (Amazing actor. Strange how I LOVE him as a skinhead. >.>;;)

10.Anna Tsuchiya (If only I could make love to her voice)
Kurt Cobain (Now and forever)

For Friday:

- Shippuuden: Suigetsu
- Hiyori

For Saturday:

- Farfarello
- Pantera
- Nana (if ALH plays)
- Mystery Cosplay (if ALH doesnt play)

For Sunday:

- Yuki
- Kyon (if Kit comes down)

meme, cosplay

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