Seriously. Like porn. Like the kind of porn that will make you say "Brak wrote that? Really? I never knew he had it in him."
So, there was a prompt on a Mass Effect kink meme. Someone wanted Male Shepard/Vega Omega!Verse porn. Now, I don't normally fill prompts on kink memes. I don't normally write porn at all, tending more toward fade to black. But the response to the prompt really pissed me off. Some gay guy started a fight with the OP calling her out, saying Omega!verse was homophobic and just generally trying to make her feel bad for liking it. And it pissed me off. Because first of all, I'm a gay man and where the fuck does he get off proclaiming himself the arbiter of what is and isn't homophobic? And his whole point about how it perpetuates stereotypes of men who enjoy being penetrated as less manly, because dude I get enough shit from straight people for being a big ol' bottom, I don't need that from gay people too! Not to mention the general level of misogyny you have to be possessed of to think of his behavior being equated with femininity as something a man ought to be ashamed of in the first place. But more than that, I was pissed off because, how the fuck DARE you? No, seriously? How the fuck DARE you go into a kink meme and try to make other people feel ashamed for liking what they like? Fuck you, anonymous gay man! Fuck you right in your overly macho, judgmental ass! So I wrote this porn. I hope the OP enjoyed it. I hope other people enjoy it too.
If you care to read it, it's here: Don't worry if you don't know anything about Mass Effect. It's porn. You really only need to know three things:
Commander Shepard is a badass space marine with a galaxy to save and no time to deal with silly things like being in heat.
Commander Shepard looks like this:
And James Vega looks like this: