Jun 25, 2008 16:33
I have a feeling that the last couple months of my job here at the office are going to be bad enough to make me not regret leaving in the least. Today was absolutely hellish. One of our major problems is that the doctor is taking a LOT of time off in July and August (which is totally his perogative, and a lot of it is for charity work), but that means we have to cram in everyone's pre-surgical and follow-up appointments into the days that he's actually going to be here, which is starting to become more and more of a problem. For instance, today we were TRIPLE booked and ended up starting this poor girl's surgery like two hours later than it was scheduled for. Then the doctor was pissy all day because of the crazy schedule. I mean, I understand that it's the staff's fault for trying to cram so many patients in, but if he's going to keep doing surgeries all summer, we have to get the patients in for their pre- and post-op appointments sometime or another! Then he has the audacity to be like "Okay, Mrs. So-and-so is all set, schedule her follow up for two weeks from now" when he knows for a fact that we have absolutely NO time in two weeks. I've just started saying, right in front of the patient and everything, in a totally deadpan voice "You're going to be out of the country in two weeks." The problem is once the doctor says a certain time frame like "two weeks," if you even try to suggest to the patient that it would be okay to wait three weeks, they freak out like "But the doctor said he wanted to see me in two weeks! TWO WEEKS!" As if they're going to drop dead in exactly 14 days if they haven't seen the doctor by then. I need the doctor to say in front of the patient that it would be okay if they waited a little longer for their follow up. Also, certain aestheticians who will remain nameless (coughYINGcough) seem to think that the practice is desperately hurting for money, and will go to ridiculous measures to try to cram people into the schedule if they think they're going to spend a lot on Botox or Restylane or whatever. Unfortunately, this results in triple-booked days and a bunch of pissed off middle-aged rich ladies who don't have three hours to wait between their various rich lady activities.
Oh well. I guess it'll be nice and relaxing when the doctor is gone and there aren't as many patients. Also, I finally got my NCLEX scheduled! I'm worried that I might not have given myself enough time to finish studying, but I think it's one of those "now or never" deals where you can keep putting it off forever, but you finally just have to get it over with. I also got my CPR recertification, so once I get my NCLEX results back I'll schedule my health screening with Fairfax and get all my pre-employment paperwork done. WHOO!