(no subject)

Apr 25, 2008 12:42

this may amuse some people- i bought a tent the other day and had someone read the instructions while i tried to put it up followinf the directions given and it ended up neally inside out because someone read the instructions wrong and i ended up with a knee height sleeping area and some weird looking porches where the doors didnt go anywhere near the floor- but atleast i know how to put it up just swap the poles around to the way i put it up the other day so YAY i have a tent for events now!

the main reason for my post:-

S tamp

O ut

P rejudice

H atred &

I ntolerance

E verywhere

just been on the myspace listening to the videos about the trail...etc and i know there are wristbands being sold at various places, but havnt yet found anywhere around here- if anyone knows of anywhere let me know please.
I cant believe that someone would do what those lads did, not to this extent- and they had a past of beating people up for no reason and it took a death for something to be done about it.

anyways im off to try and cheer myself back up and watch some of my new prison break. 

prison break, s.o.p.h.i.e., tent

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