Haven't updated in a while XD. Been busy watching "We got married", such an awesome teevee show. I love the couples with four dimensional personalities XD they're hilarious~! Go Gundam couple, ssangchu couple, R&B couple and ALSHIN couple!!!! The episodes I enjoy watching the most are the 100th day anniversary wedding photoshoot. All the photos they took look so gorgeous and they all turn out so well~, especially Hwanhee and Hwayobi pictures ^___^! Even though the couples are fake, they look so good together.
Below: Hwanhee and Hwayobi photo from wedding photoshoot.
Ssangchu(lettuce) couple: Hyunjoong & Hwangbo.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngj9ysTIfHo This is a cut of the wedding photoshoot XD it's so funny. Hyunjoong has a 4-dimensional personality because the things he say are unpredictable. AHAHAHHAHAHA XD During Lettuce couple's photoshoot the crew were all like "CLOSER CLOSER!!!! CLOSER!!!" when Hyunjoong had to kiss Hwangbo's cheek.
Alshin couple: Alex and Shinae. >__< Shinae is so pretty!
The episodes were so funny XD because they couldn't stop laughing and getting all embarrassed! hehehe I love "We got married". What's interesting is before the wedding photoshoot they have to try on the clothes for the shoot. It's so funny to see their reactions XD I like Alex's reaction when he saw Shinae in a wedding dress. okay last photo!!!
The photo above was from the episode where two couples had to go on a vacation. It was Lettuce couple and Alshin couple. This part was really funny because they got the sparklers and were like "OH!!! Let's write L.O.V.E" they did it and it looked so funny. eeep you need to watch it to understand:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M9YNOMWurE&feature=related After watching most of the Hyunjoong and Hwangbo cuts I've been watching Alshin cuts and they're so much like in a drama!!! Alex treats Shinae well, really well. I guess it's because in the first episode Shinae said that she's been hurt before and once trust is lost it's hard to open up to someone again.
Hwanhee and Hwayobi (aka Hwanyobi/R&B couple) are really entertaining. Even though they are the same age their personalities are so different. Hwanhee is cold and abrasive, but he sometimes shows his soft side to her and Hwayobi is like a teenager, she's really adorable, honest and so childish xD ahahaha. She always wants to do the couply stuff like link arms, piggyback ride, etc. I shall stop now XD. WGM has 55 episodes so far...I've been watching cuts and all the couples are really interesting~ ^__________^.